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About VA About SFM Virus The 12-Steps Contact us
About VA About SFM Virus The 12-Steps Contact us


Joe Allen - Founder of VA
More of a camp counselor than the head of a crisis center, Joe formed Vampires Anonymous several years ago to help victims of vampire attack cope with their blood addiction. His crusade against the vampires is tireless, though his planning of fund-raising events such as walk-a-thons and car washes runs a close second. He knows the best way to fight vampires is to hit them hard and fast with an aggressive leaflet campaign.

Dr. Mark Handel - Physician on call
An on-call physician available 24 hours a day (which he's not very happy about) who treats members of the VA for associated medical conditions. He also keeps an eye on the vampire and hunted communities, and notifies the slayers if any problems arise.

Dr. Jess - Addiction researcher
A research scientist and professor who has discovered the virus that infects the Hunted and Vampires alike: Sanguinofamia Mordens, or SFM. Funded by an unknown source, she is now working diligently to develop a cure for the virus.

Bob - Organizer of The Hunted
Actor, slayer and desert topping, Bob has reluctantly taken the helm of group organizer. His website works tirelessly to unite slayers from around the world, in the hopes of defeating vampires one YouTube video at a time.

The Hunted